The Last Lessons of 2024
I share details and outcomes from my 3 last lessons I’ve learned in 2024. Thank you 2024. Welcome 2025!

It’s 1st of January, 2025. I woke up at 9AM and went for a walk, despite the weather: cold and rainy. The roads was empty, the way I supposed it should be. But the park I used to go for my morning walks was a popular place. I saw a few being walked by dogs, that’s pretty common there. And I’ve met a few people looking fresh, despite having a dog they seemed to be full of energy. People, who waste entire night on eating and drinking aren’t looking that fresh at 9AM. This made me feel a bit less proud of myself, as I figured out there are more people who survived. And this is great!
Lesson #1: make the right choice or life will enforce you to make it
In the last days of 2024 I got ill. It feels like catching cold, without highly raised body temperature, headaches etc. Running nose causing cough and lower energy level. The state I dislike the most. I am not feeling down enough to stay in bed, nor I’m good enough to keep functioning 100%. It feels like enforce slow down.
And I had to slow down, I had this thoughts and feeling I should not rush, I should stay sober on New Year’s night and wake up fresh and chilled on January 1st. But the context changed, and I rushed to end plans, meet friends and even was considering to have a proper New Year’s party. Basically it means to eat and drink (including alcohol) during the night. That’s the way I used to meet the upcoming year, every year.
My current state caused me to make proper decisions: end up having a glass of champagne, have some food (alcohol usually causes overcunsumption) and get some sleep. It wasn’t the best sleep, but I woke up feeling well enough. It could be better, if I’d listen to my voice and keep moving according to it. But we’ll experience whatever is meant for us.
Outcome: listen to yourself or how I usually perceive it: become ahead of your lessons. Learning the lessons when we are prepared and willing to do so always come easy and more friendly comparing to the same lessons, when these are forced. We face it regardless of our wish, it’s feels better to be prepared.
Lesson #2: there is a proper timeframe to do something, before it becomes too late.
I am struggling with becoming disciplined with my YouTube channel. Because I feel it is silly what I speak about there. But at the same time it is exactly what changes my life and this is something I feel I must speak about. At least to keep moving, even nobody is watching.
But the lesson is in a bit different perspective: I was procrastinating with creating a video about 2024, till the moment I had no time to do so.
I could find a couple of hours during the Christmas or cancel some plans. Or record it even I was feeling sick. But that was not the way I intended it, so I just take this lesson and accept it the way it is. I missed a perfect time to make it, my beliefs are still standing between me and the life I dream about. The best thing to do is to face it and own it. Then - change it. This is the reason and the way this article is born.
Outcome: Want to do something? Do it now. In worst case: plan it for tomorrow. Otherwise cancel it and free the energy. Want to get back to the old idea? Transform it, make it better, improve then implement. Some ideas are like wine: requires time. Distinguishing between them requires wisdom.
Lesson #3: people looking harsh and ignorant at first glance are often meant to become my friends
Despite I often feel like I have no friends I managed to spend some whiles with them. And the most meaningful, interesting and developing people I’ve been spending time with were those, who looked harsh to me, when our communication started.
I’ve been recalling those start, and this is strange feeling I am not yet able to describe it in more details. But it feels like there is a chemical reaction happening in our souls, but our brains, controlled by context and social norms can’t handle it. And we starting harsh, having arguments or silently ignoring the other part. And then something happens and it turns out they are great guys. And it happens 2 ways. And it feels great.
Outcome: Despite people come to our lives and goes at certain points it is not a reason to not let them in. Good people have to protect themselves, and masks they were might be consciously designed to look ugly. First impression is important, but should not determine everything. Make sure to keep taking care of own boundaries and comfort, to avoid getting dragged into trauma bond or psychological games.
It feels great to start day fresh. And 1st of January is a special day, a day when magic happens. We can’t become fit, happy or wealthy in one night. But 1st of January is a perfect moment to empower good habits and transform those, that aren’t helpful anymore.
Welcome to the New Year! It’s 2025!