Human System Design: API compatibility

Human System Design: API compatibility

When trying to adopt new tool: first of all validate if it’s compatible with your Core. Not all tools and methodologies are replaceable. This is the second part of explaining a vision of human being using software developer naming.

Human System Design
As a software engineer I learned tons of jargon and definitions we use to describe what we do or pretend to do. However concepts are initially borrowed from the real life and shaped according to the needs. I think it is interesting to use these computer definitions to describe our

The first part

The definitions of API

We used to define API with methods and properties that could be sent to our servers. But how to determine the API of our own Core, Gateway and Hardware? These are our values and feelings.

We struggle to determine module compatibility in abstract context, but we do well when we allow ourself to feel and learn interpreting these signals. Having large enough collection of interpreted and confirmed signals we can define it on a concept (Gateway API level) and refer to these concepts as values.

Thirsty person example

I’m considering a simple example of a person being thirsty. Depending on the values and delay between the Gateway and the Core the problem can be solved in different ways.

In case of kindness is not a form of a value - the water can be accessed by using the raw physical power. Digging with a shovel or threatening someone to give or bring you water. This approach is considered “bad” and even it is used often these days it is camouflaged and commonly becomes a form of manipulation.

In other cases, water could be gained by finding the stream, river, lake. Even sitting long enough could grant you water: rain or dew will bring some amount without a hustle. Will it be enough? It depends.

Control the control

Apart of the values these approaches differs in amount of control we have. At least this is what we may think about our choice. However, no matter which scenario the person has chosen - the amount of control is slightly different. Someone the person pushed to get the water might fight back and win or run away. They may search for a longer while and fail to find the source of the water. The rain might not come.

Until someone has a technique to control the water directly - any of the method might lead to both: success and failure. But the person is still thirsty, what to do? Feel the decision, asking the Core. It is better to prepare to collect the dew than to spend all the time and strength searching for water source with no luck.

The person has fractional control of the world and limited control of their own resources. The Hardware might become exhausted too much and force shutdown to take the rest. For this reason the control is limited. And person is still able to make an impact on their life.

Clean up the Gateway layer

The Gateway is gathering a lot of signals from the outer world, accumulates and process it. That’s what we call experience. Additionally there are signals coming from the Hardware. And the Gateway does its best to use signals to keep us alive. And we support the process with what we call “rational” or “logical” thinking. And this might not end well.

There are couple of flaws in our logical thinking: we miss the details, we avoid deep thinking and we are bad at statistics. If you are curious about more details, then grab “Thinking Fast and Slow” by D. Kahneman to know more. And let me know when you give up relying only on logical thinking.

Apart of flaws the Gateway is polluted by the society, by knowledge we have learned because we trusted somebody. It does not mean it was meant to harm us intentionally, it’s just the way humanity used to do it. Transfer the same knowledge to next generation. Humanity do not live in tribes in the middle of forest anymore. When going for a late night walk to a city park we shall not be afraid of wolves, there are different treats with higher risks these days. Adaptation is needed.

Too many choices

How to choose, when there are so many choices? Consult the Core. When you see someone’s sharing the success story, describing the path in details. Should you take that path and the same staff someone else used? Ask your core again, feel it. You might need a log instead of staff to cross the river instead of climbing the mountain.

Relaying on rational decision is tempting. I’ve been doing this for too long with no major luck. I’ve been learning, gaining skills and doing what is right. And it was feeling more and more disgusting. Switching from thinking to feeling might look like a leap of faith. And it is.

Among many advices, techniques and suggestions the only feeling the makes sense is the love. Everything else is a way to describe it, to describe a path, walking techniques, obstacle crossing techniques etc. Feel the goal to feel the next step. What a time we are living in!