The summer is gone…

The summer is gone…

…but The best is yet to come!

I think the end is one of the greatest things we experience. I am not a philosopher or guru. I am discovering life and keeping my promises: consciously seeking a positive vibe. Despite my immediate reactions, which guide me through my inner path, there is time for reflection and consideration. Ending is the best time for this.

Ambitions, plans, and real life

Not everything goes according to plan. I’m glad I’ve learned not to get upset about that. I haven’t met my weight loss goal, but I’ve learned a new programming language. I’m still living on savings without earning money, but I’ve found great people in a friendly online community from whom I’m learning.

With these considerations and learning to let go of things I can't control, I understand how small my power is—and how powerful it might become when used the right way. When it comes from within.

The good days

Summer is cycling season. The weather was unstable, yet I managed around 500 km of monthly mileage except for August. I finally completed my first 100+ km trip (117 km in a single day). When I was going for 70-80 km, I was skeptical about reaching 100 km in a day. In reality it was challenging in a different way. Approaching home late at night, I realized I could have ridden another 20, 30, or even 50 km. How? I had a proper meal and rest. What did I learn? Rest when I can.

Another bike story: after a few days of stomach issues, I got bored with the pain and skipped all meals for 30 hours. With only water, supplements, and vitamins, I rode my bike. Starvation is usually challenging for me, often making me angry. This time, anger grew with the effort I put into pedaling, and in the end. I think it was one of my best rides, after restoration I found it very challenging to achieve the same performance.

I learned two lessons: I might not need as much food as I think, and anger can be a powerful ally, not just a devastating enemy. It’s like playing with fire—challenging to master but worth the effort.

I still achieved a loss of weight, learned to stand and swim with a SUP without getting immediately wet, and achieved many other small daily wins.

The productive days

I learned Swift and SwiftUI and am preparing to release my own iPhone app with a premium subscription model. I didn’t finish all the courses or read all the books I planned, but I find coding on my own more enjoyable, as I did years ago.

I discovered it’s rewarding to spend hours working on something challenging because I’m doing it for myself. I’m not doing it because I have to, but because I want to. I’m curious about the next step and keep looking for ways to share my results publicly. This is how I rediscovered the joy of programming. The developer community is incredibly friendly, likely because I focus on reducing friction and avoiding judgment (including self-judgment).

I’m also handling a flat renovation on my own. It might not be very efficient, and results are not yet visible, but I enjoy completing some work and then coding for 30-60 minutes. I don’t care if it’s good or bad; it’s fun enough to keep me engaged in both tasks and moving forward. That’s the most important lesson I’ve learned this year.

The gray days

Our health and the health of our loved ones are critical and can lead to worry, anxiety, and negative feelings. I saw firsthand how metaphorically deadly fear can be. Even when it’s not my own fear, the atmosphere can have negative consequences for everyone involved. The good news is that the situation improved with proper treatment, and I used the opportunity to be with my family during tough times.

There are days I worry about failing as a solopreneur or one-person business. For me, it’s about owning the results of my efforts. I don’t know how I will succeed, but I keep working, writing, searching, and thinking. I continue learning and creating with open eyes. This brings joy amidst daily uncertainties. I know I’m not alone. To those in similar situations, stay brave and good luck reaching the top of your personal mountain!

Lastly, I’ve temporarily given up on my YouTube channel. I haven’t posted in months, and I don’t regret it. Not posting can be a content plan too. Stepping back has given me a new perspective. After making my first not-so-good videos, fear began to dissolve, and I feel good about it. I was active on X, and my understanding of reality has become more grounded. I know I need a content plan to be more successful. I’m curious about what it will look like. Are you?

Rainy days might be cozy

In autumn, the weather often turns unpleasant. It’s the perfect time to find a cozy corner with a plug to work. This summer felt like another layer of fixing my life—adding what was missing and discarding what became obsolete. Soon it will be the two-year anniversary of my life changes. I wonder what I will achieve in the next two months before then. Right now, this journey is much more enjoyable compared to before. The top priority is to avoid letting outdated things back into my life, which would hinder my progress.

Enjoy the sun if it’s sunny, stay warm if it’s getting colder, and keep shining when it’s rainy outside. I wish you luck, my reader!