Superheroes don’t use busses to commute

Superheroes don’t use busses to commute
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash
Or I think I am finally right about understanding things wrong.

Who are superheroes?

From the ancient stories till through the ages and centuries till present days people are admired with the idea of superhero. May it be magic, power of universe, given or taken from gods. Mutation caused by an insect byte or other circumstances when experiment went wrong. Every superhero needs a context and a story, that separates him or her from the rest of the population. Something, that makes it very, very special. We love stories, so why don’t you read this one?

I think every kid in a world has a favorite story about a special hero, that at least once does a feat. Does something that is hard or even impossible to achieve, but superpowers always help. The feat, an extraordinary achievement may cause different causes: it might lead a hero to a good or to a bad end. But usually even it is a bad end it is perceived as a good end, because others can use the outcomes and will remember the hero. Sounds romantic and inspiring, but is it worth it? What is the economics of a superhero feat?

Sacrificing everything

“...princess is in another castle!”

So others could get the dividends and enjoy the life. In many cultures this philosophy is still present. And many people are following it, believing this is the right thing. Is it the absolute truth? Absolute love? Or it is more a sort of manipulation that has passed through the centuries? Maybe all options are true, being a sort of metaphysics, when something is true because we are observing or believing in a specific option.

I will leave metaphysics, beliefs and emotions alone for now. Using a simplest logic it seems to be easy to understand the fact that as soon as superhero is not a superhero, because of loss of the abilities or even life - nobody actually cares. For the crowd cheering up, believing and supporting does not pays off anymore. This is the way we used to perceive such situations, often this is an introduction in sequels of different sorts. Lonely, forgotten, unhappy.

What a superhero gets? Well, there seems to be a couple of aspects, one of the main is becoming a known, popular superhero. Many amongst us have been dreaming about it, huh? Saving the princess, even you need to visit 1000 and 1 castle.

What is happening next? Someone or many may benefit from the achievement, but superheroes are not selfish, and don’t want anything. And people are loosing interest, especially if there are low chances of getting more dividends.

Superheroes are afraid of many things

This seems to be the logical motivation of acting until the full exhaustion or even death.

One thing is fear of being alone. That is why it is necessary to become popular, to prove everyone (including myself), to get this and that. To ACHIEVE! But in reality what is the reason of speeding on a bumpy road, if that is not necessary for achieving a big mission? No reason. You will get there safer, paying with your the time. But nobody knows the actual balance, how much more there is to spend? Is it worth to take risks and overspend? Or taking it slow and safely?

Everyone has a talent, though

There is always a room for improvement. And improvement is not a huge leap. Whatever they say and show in the stories. World was not built by a superheroes, the world is built by common people, who shows up day by day. Who get’s where they want step by step, without an ability to fly. Who builds giant machines and buildings not being able to lift even own weight.

It seems we need superheroes to distract ourselves from routine and inspire, maybe motivate to make that extra step. But orienting yourself towards overachievement leads to the success that is followed by a failure. THE BALANCE. This is what the universe is about. Higher impact causes stronger counteraction. The leverage difference is endless: person despite having capable brain and trained body can’t win with the Universe.

Sitting tight is not an option

The balance again. Imagine your taking a bus, hopping on and now you are moving with the bus and other passengers towards some direction. The moment you decide to hop off you become standstill, because bus continues it’s journey. But relatively to the bus you are not standing still, no. You are moving back. Life is a bus. Staying on the one place you are moving backwards. The longer you stay - the higher the impact. Remember: higher impact leads to a stronger counteraction.

Move while you can. Pick a direction yourself and hop on a proper bus to enjoy it more, otherwise you might be picked by a random bus that takes you to the destination that wasn’t meant for you.

What about superheroes? They do not commute by busses, until they are retired. And then... just imagine how depressive it is to hop on the buss instead of teleporting and flying like birds do. What about me? Personally I do not want to be a superhero anymore. Stacking the progress, making average or even small steps is good enough to keep moving. After all it does not matter how fast I walk once I’m on the bus. More important is to choose the one that suites me.