Welcome to the campfire (About)

Welcome to the campfire (About)


Hi! My name is Eli. I am seasoned software engineer with previous experience in a few different, non-technical areas. I made lots of tricky choices that made my path full of rose thorns, rather than flowers. Yet making myself out of desperation valley last year once again opened entirely new world for me. World of books, deep thoughts, high-quality values.

And people. People guided by long-term values living deeply inside. I've been struggling doing this for entire life, and these struggles and knowledge is one of the my life's aspect I am going to share on the walls of my cave. Meanwhile still looking for a way out of it.

Software development

Programming and IT is my daily bread and butter by a choice. Steep curve, where each step leads me to understanding how much more things there are to learn and put my hands on. I am deeply convinced true passion grows from natural curiosity and effort.

I have spent many years in e-commerce mastering different aspects of PHP development, frontend development, DevOps and slightly management. Currently I am in love with Go programming language. Obviously I have joined Rust hype train and putted my toe into that door.

I have released first iPhone native applications written in Swift (SwiftUI) recently, I find it is pleasant process to learn different perspectives of solving all the same problems.


According to my beliefs and values I am not starting this to become a better prompt engineer and more heavy generative algorithm user for content creation. You should be sure thoughts I post here are not machine generated due to the fact it does not make sense for me personally.

I believe everyone deserves to choose whether to spend their time on reading machine-generated content. And by default smart people should use own minds to translate feelings into the thoughts, that could be consumed by other smart human beings.

I bet we can do better to be sincere, avoiding polluting our information receptors with regenerated and rephrased content. It is a personal decision, though, yet I'd like to let you know I'm avoiding this.

You are welcome to the campfire!